Nintendo NES Classic Mini EU Console
- Nintendo NES console Classic Mini European version with 30 built-in games
Installed Games: Balloon Fight – Bubble Bobble – Castlevania – Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest – Donkey Kong – Donkey Kong Jr. – Double Dragon II: The Revenge – Dr. Mario – Excitebike – Final Fantasy – Galaga – Ghosts Goblins – Gradius
Ice Climber – Kid Icarus – Kirby’s Adventure – Mario Bros. – Mega Man 2 – Metroid – Ninja Gaiden – Pac-Man – Punch-Out !! Featuring Mr. Dream – StarTropics – SUPER C – Super Mario Bros. – Super Mario Bros. 2 – Super Mario Bros. 3 – Tecmo Bowl – The Legend of Zelda – Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Includes 1 joystick Nintendo Mini Classic: NES (Classic Controller and Classic Controller Pro Wii compatible), 1 HDMI Cable, 1 USB power cable (to power the console, the USB cable must be connected to an AC adapter not included)
Does not include: Commemorative poster, USB plug.
Anaxarque –
En 1983, Nintendo sortait au Japon la console de jeux Famicom. Peu pariaient sur la réussite d’une machine permettant à tous de jouer à des jeux vidéos depuis leur téléviseur. Et pourtant, elle s’écoula à 62 millions d’exemplaires et vit apparaître des licences toujours actuelles, comme Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Castlevania, ou encore Metroïd…
Cette console officielle rend un vibrant hommage à la machine qui fit entrer le jeu vidéo dans nos vies quotidiennes.
La Nintendo Nes Classic Mini reprend, en le miniaturisant, le design de la console dans sa version américaine et européenne, et nous offre trente classiques, en langue anglaise, comme Final Fantasy, Super Mario Bros, Dr Mario, ou Legend of Zelda.
La console se branche à un téléviseur via une prise HDMI fournie, et s’alimente en courant par un cable USB fourni, mais curieusement dépourvu d’un chargeur qu’il vous appartiendra d’acheter (n’importe quel chargeur USB secteur de qualité fera l’affaire).
La manette reprend exactement le design original, mais avec ses 70 centimètres de longueur, elle est un peu courte : heureusement que l’on trouve facilement des rallonges (autour de 7 euros) qui nous permettent de jouer confortablement assis sur son canapé et nous évite ainsi le risque de fatigue oculaire.
La console allumée, on choisit le jeu désiré à partir d’un écran sobre mais chaleureux et la partie démarre.
La machine propose des filtres d’écran pour que les jeux 8 bits, conçus pour des télévisions 4/3, s’adaptent aux normes actuelles. Elle permet de sauvegarder à tout moment sa partie, ce que certains puristes peuvent voir comme une dénaturation de l’œuvre originale…
Le choix des jeux proposé est basé sur les meilleures ventes en Occident : ainsi, on peut déplorer de ne pas trouver Dragon Quest III ou Final Fantasy II qui furent des hits majeurs au Japon. Mais, qu’importe.
Cette jolie console vise à séduire les “plus anciens” qui ont découvert les jeux vidéos grâce à la Nes et les joueurs actuels qui retrouveront dans leur version originelle, à un prix accessible, dans les conditions originelles, des grands classiques du jeu vidéo.
Victime de son succès, cette jolie machine vendue normalement 60 euros est souvent en rupture de stock. Nintendo a clairement sous-estimée le succès et l’engouement que provoquerait la sortie de cette console.
Heureusement, comme annoncé à la fin de l’année dernière, Nintendo a repris la production de cette machine et la fabriquera, espérons-le, en nombre suffisant pour que tous puissent redécouvrir la Nes à son vrai prix d’ici la fin de l’été.
Mais, il est préférable de réserver sa console à l’avance pour éviter les déconvenues… En effet, de nombreux “petits malins” proposent cette console à une somme indécente. Refusez de vous faire truander, soyez patients et attendez le réassortiment.
Bons jeux !
Monique –
So much fun to play the old classics I grew up with.
My 16 year old even likes playing pac man,donkey Kong, and Mario brothers with me. Have even come home from work to find her playing it…The only downside is that it only comes with one controller AND the cord is very short…Highly recommended not only buying a second controller, but also getting the extenders so that you are not right up on top of the TV and can sit and relax on the couch..
Maldwyn Turner –
Get some wireless controllers to go with it and it’s awesome! The one they provide is way too short. Oldies but goodies, highly recommended
As a 37 year old ‘kid’ that grew up with these games it brought a tear to my eye to power this unit up and observe the unmistakable sights and sounds of my old beloved NES games. I missed out on the original $60 price point in retail stores but springing for this was worth it at the list price here. You can’t find these games for less than $100’s of dollars if you try to get them on their own (and they are old and may not work). So to clear up the rumors… this product is discontinued indefinitely. I read that Nintendo will not make more, as many thought, because they just don’t want to encourage interest in old games as a business move for their future. Thanks for making this available!
Phill.The.Thrill –
When the NES Classic became available again, I knew I had to get it. I still have my original NES from the 80’s but as a kid, I didn’t have the money to get some of the titles that are preloaded on this unit. I’m really enjoying playing these 8-bit gems on my flat screen TV. I’m sure you already know but you’ll need to purchase an additional controller (available on Amazon) for any two-player gaming and do yourself a favor and get some extension cables for the controllers (also available on Amazon).
J. H. Klunder –
Que puedo decir acerca de este gran artículo histórico en el mundo de los videojuegos que no se haya dicho ya?? Solamente que si eres fan de los videojuegos, no puedes quedarte sin el tuyo, ya que te estás haciendo dueño de una de las consolas de video mas icónicas que han salido al mercado junto con la legendaria Atari 2600, y que han marcado el rumbo de lo que hoy conocemos como los actuales videojuegos. Esta edición es la versión en miniatura de la lanzada originalmente en los 80’s, no utiliza cartuchos, los juegos vienen precargados en su memoria interna mismos que se pueden expandir si es que se les hacen insuficientes los 30 de los mejores juegos que salieron para esta fantástica consola. Es la versión original de Nintendo, no clon, de ahí que es preferible escoger a Amazon como vendedor al momento de comprar para evitar desagradables sorpresas, es decir, productos abiertos, usados, incompletos, etc… Puntos negativos de la consola?? yo diría que ninguno, es una consola que viene con toda la magia y calidad característica de la consola original y de la propia Nintendo, sin embargo hay que admitir que el cable del mando viene muy muy corto, entre 70 y 80 cms, en comparación a lo que nos tenía acostumbrados los nipones con las NES y SNES en sus versiones originales, cuestión de costes? error de diseño o planeación?, a saber, esta nueva remesa adolece de ese mismo punto, pero se puede corregir adquiriendo unos extensores para no jugar pegado a la pantalla.
Por último y no menos importante que quiero destacar es el pésimo o nulo embalaje por parte de Amazon, me fue enviada sin ningún tipo de protección, la caja al desnudo vamos, con golpes en las esquinas, repleta de etiquetas, cintas adhesivas de la paquetería, etc. que al ser un artículo de colección (al menos para mi), fue decepcionante y de alguna manera preocupante cómo quedaría después de quitar ese mundo de pegatinas… en fin, afortunadamente el acabado brillante de la caja del Mini NES ayudó a que pudiera minimiza el daño para que esto no fuera un verdadero desastre, ambalaje y envío bien cobrados, eso sí, muy mal por Amazon.
Katrina Martinez –
It’s awesome…first it is tiny. I can fit it in my purse easily. I love old Nintendo games. My original console broke long ago and I still have my old games wishing for a day when I ran across a working one. Awww wishful thinking. Now I can play my old games anywhere, a wii and hard drive can’t do roadtrips but this can. Shame is doesn’t have duck hunt but no matter it has Mario, Zelda, and punch out and those are my all time favs I never get board of. Retail price is 60 however it is discontinued and if you call any game stop they tell u it’s not carried and u might find one in fantasyland..the china ones with bootleg games r easy to find with 500 games and more than half are junk games. this one with original games not to easy to find anywhere near retail pricing ..I paid the price but I love my old games so to me it is worth every penny. My young adult kids love it to…yes it is pricy but it depends on if it is worth it to u. If you love the old games and prefer playing them to Xbox one games or the other new system games like me than u be happy with it. If u expect to pay near retail for a discontinued item, it’s not going to happen I looked for months even people on craigslist and OfferUp wanted 200 for a used one.
I simply look at it like this gaming systems r normally over 200 with no frills and maybe one downloadable game, that might be good. This has 30 popular games even if u found all the original games for 10 but each, which would be dirt cheap, it’s still cheaper than buying each game separately. So for me I am very happy I got a mini system that can be played even in my cars overhead tv and 30 original games…
Update we purchased a wireless controller for it. Works great. Still loving it’s main purpose is roadtrips though. We went to 2000 miles one way and this system was playing the entire time and back…
Rex A Serio –
I got the system and everything worked well and then all of a sudden it would not cut on. I look at the back and p where you plugging the power is loose. I never move the system once I set it up. For the amount paid it should not have broke that fast.. very disappointed
RLeaD –
These would be a lot more enjoyable if they were back at the $60-$65 range. That being said, we still bought one at the current retail value of $84-ish. If they were back to $60 we probably would’ve bought two instead of just one. Please, they are definitely not worth what resellers are trying to sell them for. They are a ton of fun to play with. Everything is included that you need except an adapter from a USB plug to a wall outlet. An iPhone plug works fine. Have a blast, don’t encourage resellers, they are jerks.
Elide –
Le encantó a mi hijo, y eso es suficiente para mi.
Funciona a la perfección, solo el cable del control es muy corto.
Le compre otro control con 3 metros de largo.
Nice –
Voor de prijs is niet slecht ,maar zou 2 controllers zijn zou beter zijn,meeste spellekes zijn voor 2 spellers
Sxm –
Came earlier than expected.. I have been playing constantly for the last few days. The console has the feature to save your progress in any game for up to 4 saves simultaneously. Which is awesome because the original NES didn’t allow you to do that. Console has what it says.. 30 plus games and all are functioning as expected and the fact that I don’t have fight with loading a game like the old console is refreshing. Yes the joystick is short but the cords to hook to the TVs are long, so I was able to place the console on my coffee table and play like that.. no problem. The console is no bigger than my hand (a females hand) so it’s really light and extra small
LaLA –
Works like a charm. Just got it yesterday and all the games work and we have been having so much fun. I bought the cord lengthening bundle that has the extra controller and ac adapter with it and haven’t had any issue. We had an extra hdmi cable to hook it into the tv from the wii, so no biggie there. The games are so fun and what a neat thing to share with my own kids! We played kirby and zelda for hours! The console is tiny! Looks like a super mini version of the old one. Now I am going to order the super nes since this one turned out so well. This is a EU console so you do have to get the adapter for it and if you dont have the extra hdmi then that would be good too. This is the kit I bought: Piranha Performance
Accessory Kit for NES Classic Edition with Controller, 2 Controller Extension Cables, Power Adapter
It was $20 but well worth it. You get an extra controller and lengtheners for the controllers and that ac adapter.
Does it suck to spend the extra $20? Yes. But it’s fun and worth the enjoyment we are getting out of it.